Period Pain Acupuncture
Menstrual Cycles and Acupuncture
Acupuncture and the Menstrual Cycle
As women, our bodies shift and change with our cycles – each of us is very different in the way things flow. Many of us do not take stock of what is happening in our bodies and end up with annoying symptoms that we just live with, or think is normal. With increased stress, lack of exercise, poor diets and loaded toxic products, it's no wonder our bodies struggle to function well. And the menstrual cycle is one way our body tells us that things needs to change.
Research has shown that acupuncture may be beneficial for many menstrual cycle-related issues, such as reducing period pain, heavy bleeding, cycle-related lower back pain or headaches.
Treating the Menstrual Cycle
Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are used in this clinic to treat people suffering from:
Dysmenorrhea (period pain)
Pelvic pain
Irregular, short or long cycles
Heavy bleeding
PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome (for example, emotional fluctuations, breast tenderness, headaches)
Acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine may be helpful for your symptoms when they are happening, such as period pain. However, timing a visit to your acupuncturist for when you think the pain might occur is not always that easy. The beauty of acupuncture and the menstrual cycle is that we look holistically at the body. Therefore, we treat throughout the whole cycle, not just when you are having your symptoms. We will likely see you once a week for a few menstrual cycles to see positive change.
Related Services We Provide
In addition to acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine, our practitioner is highly skilled in other techniques to help relieve your symptoms:
Our practitioner offers diet and lifestyle advice when needed. Diet has a significant influence on your body. Certain foods, such as high-sugar products, are frequently associated with adverse symptoms. Stress and lack of exercise are also common in our modern world, negatively impacting our health. With the proper diet and lifestyle advice alongside your treatment, your symptoms should lessen.
To improve the flow of your Qi (pronounced Chee), or energy, moxibustion may be used. This practice is the art of burning a stick made from mugwort leaves just above your skin at specific acupuncture points on your body. The warmth from the flame helps stimulate these particular points and accentuates the therapeutic benefit of the needles.